Walking on eggshells is a common experience in abusive relationships, whether romantic or within family systems.

walking on eggshellsIt involves a persistent sense of nervousness and an inability to relax, as you live in constant fear of upsetting the other person. This phrase refers to the careful, cautious behavior people adopt to avoid triggering negative reactions from a toxic individual. In such environments, you’re hyperaware of the atmosphere, constantly adjusting your behavior to maintain a fragile sense of peace. This leads to a dysregulated nervous system, as your sense of safety is tenuous and constantly under threat.

In relationships characterized by this dynamic, emotional safety and genuine connection are absent. Healthy relationships, by contrast, involve open, authentic, and vulnerable communication, where moods are predictable, and issues are addressed without fear of negative repercussions. If you’re constantly scanning the environment and carefully analyzing your interactions, it’s a sign that you’re in an unhealthy relationship.

Walking on eggshells involves taking on undue responsibility to avoid upsetting the other person, leading to feelings of insecurity and instability. Common signs of such abusive relationships include:

  • Anger over minor provocations
  • Extreme, disproportionate outbursts
  • Refusal to take accountability for their actions
  • Insincere apologies with no intent to change
  • Relationship instability
  • A change in everyone’s mood when they are present
  • Constant criticism and blame
  • Inability to express vulnerability
  • Loss of core identity

In these situations, it’s easy to lose yourself and feel trapped. Shame often plays a role in perpetuating this pattern. Healing involves removing yourself from the toxic environment, showing yourself compassion, and seeking professional counseling to help you regain your sense of worth and identity.

If you have a question you would like to ask or a topic to discuss, please email jenn@pinkertonpsychotherapy.com. If you would like to schedule an individual appointment, please call us at 713.800.6999 or go to our website at www.pinkertonpsychotherapy.com. Please follow the REDHEADREVEAL® podcast on Apple and Spotify and watch us on YouTube.

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